10th. "C", "D", English Blog

Feedback and Reinforcement Week 2nd. 10 "C", "D"

Week 2 Activities from Sep 22th to Sept 28th - 10th


Week 2 Activities from Sep 22th to Sept 28th - 10th


English Coach: Mgs. Alfredo Muriel

English Week 2ND.

Read the text

A pandemic story 


Hi there, my name is Francisco, I was 14 years old a year before I lived in Ambato because my father worked there in a shoe factory, In the next following paragraphs I like to share with you part of my life before the pandemic COVID-19. 

This is my life a year ago when I studied at Bolivar High School, it is an emblematic high school like yours here in Riobamba, I remember that my past year uniform was the same that the Maldonado High School uniform. I loved living there because the people and the weather were very friendly and the city was comfortable for me. 

My daily routine was similar than now woke up at 6:30 a.m., then I took a shower, after that, I dressed in my everyday uniform, close to 7:00 a.m I drank a cup of cold milk that my mother left for me on the kitchen table.  

Secondly, I went to my big school when I spoke with my teachers especially Jose my math teacher, and Gabriela my Arts teacher, they taught a lot of things also I wrote a lot of language activities, on the other hand, I enjoyed a lot a read adventures books and comics. Until the pandemic, when we had to move to Riobamba, it is my mother's city, when she was born. 

I had to left all my high school friends, my things because in a quicmoment our lives changed, we didn't have the opportunity to visit our friends againor walk outside of the homes. 

I didn't understand at the beginning what’s was happening with our family, everything was changing. I heard everyday news about this pandemic, that’s not affecting only Ecuadorian people otherwise affected world humanity. The people’s habits changed the use of masks, social distance, washing hands were new rules for us. 

Now, I am living in Riobamba, it's called “La Ciudad Bonita and I believed that Ambato was the best Ecuadorian city but I understood that Riobamba is a beautiful highland town, where the people is friendly and received us with their open arms. 

Now, I am happy to live here, I go to a new school, additionally, I have new friends, and I hope all this pandemic finished quickly. 


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Activity 2 

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