10th. "C", "D", English Blog

Project 5_ Week 3_ My World_ Our World _ your World

 Project 5_ Week 3_ My World_ Our World _ your World

10 the, Course "C" and "D"


We use must when we feel sure that something is true because there’s very strong evidence. Example: He must be around here because his car is parked there You are pilot, that must be interesting We use might, may or could to say that we think something is possible but we’re not sure. Example:
I heard a noise, there might be a cat on the roof He might be in his bedroom We use can’t when we feel sure something is not true. Example:
He can’t be dead, I just talked to him on the phone That looks like tomato juice, but it can’t be, that would be too easy.

We can use MUST, MAY, MIGHT, COULD, and CAN'T to express how sure we are about something happening in the present or the future. MUST. We use must when we feel sure about something because there is some kind of evidence.


Class Activity:
Complete the blank spaces with the correct modal
or Do this online activity and do a screen capture and past on your assignment.



Print your assignment the do the proposed activitiies on it, finally, upload fullfill it to your TEAMS platform.

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