10th. "C", "D", English Blog




TOPIC: Health



Warm Up Activity

Listen to the audio of the following Reading

  1. Read  and underline the regular and irregular  verbs



I have put on a lot of weight lately and now I don’t feel comfortable with my body. I am just too fat: I have already been on a diet, but that didn’t work out for me because after a while I regained all  those lost pounds. Can anyone give some advice on what I should do to get slim again. 


 Hi Helly!

I advise you to move whenever you have the chance. Physical exercise is extremely important when you want to lose weight. You don’t want to be an athlete or anything like that. You can start by doing small exercises everyday. You can also go for a walk and invite a friend of yours to go along because when we do things in a group it is more encouraging and fun.

Another important thing if you want to lose weight is your diet. You should have a diet rich in vegetables and fruit tons of different fruits, vegetables and other healthy choices at your disposal. Having a healthy diet doesn't mean you have to be hungry all the time and that food can’t be tasty as well.


Classify the verbs  on the table below



Do the online Activity

On line activity paste in your TEAMS wall.

Complementary Activity

Irregular Rap Verbs

Part 1

Part 2

Lyrics Song
LYRICS I’m back once again to STRIKE (struck, struck). Listen up: It’s Part 2 of STICK (stuck, stuck). People SAY (said, said) when they READ (read, read) and listen to the lyrics, they stay in their heads; so, I SPEED (sped, sped); the news I SPREAD (spread, spread) to HIT (hit, hit) you with more to get ahead. As I SET (set, set) these verbs to rhyme, just LET (let, let) them flow into your mind; and LIGHT (lit, lit) the fire inside you. UNDERSTAND (understood, understood)? I’ll guide you. Let’s ride! Now’s the time to BECOME (became, become) more fluent in the deep; you’ll see you’ll SWIM (swam, swum) and RUN (ran, run) to the front to lead the pack. TEAR (tore, torn) into English; don’t hold back; but WEAR (wore, worn) out your brain, you’ll go insane. I SWEAR (swore, sworn), the key is to stay entertained and… Stick to your ideas. Stick to your plans. Stick to your commitments and decisions at hand. Stick to your beliefs, not to passing trends. Stick to your goals to stick it out to the end. Some people SELL (sold, sold) their souls to plot and scheme. Others TELL (told, told) you to put a stop to your dreams, but they WIND (wound, wound) up on the losing team. I hope you HOLD (held, held) yourself in higher esteem. Stay up! Don’t LIE (lay, lain) and complain. Follow through! Never LEAVE (left, left) the game. Yes, you! STAND (stood, stood) up for your rights. PUT (put, put) yourself first; climb to new heights. When you FALL (fell, fallen), it might HURT (hurt, hurt), but it won’t BREAK (broke, broken) your spirit. That’s my word. As soon as you PAY (paid, paid) your dues, you can BUILD (built, built) a bright future. It’s true. They can’t FORBID (forbade, forbidden) you to get in where you FIT (fit, fit) in; don’t SPLIT (split, split) the difference with them. DEAL (dealt, dealt) with added stress in how you’re living. Let go of the past; learn to FORGIVE (forgave, forgiven) and you’ll… Stick to your ideas. Stick to your plans. Stick to your commitments and decisions at hand. Stick to your beliefs, not to passing trends. Stick to your goals to stick it out to the end. Life can COST (cost, cost) more than you HAVE (had, had). You may LOSE (lost, lost) your way on the path. Those that BUY (bought, bought) themselves too much stuff, might SLIDE (slid, slid) into debt. That can get rough. If you DIG (dug, dug) yourself into a hole and try to SPIN (spun, spun) your way out, you’ll lose control. You can’t just SWEEP (swept, swept) all your problems away, but don’t WEEP (wept, wept). You’ll live to fight another day. Keep your minds open; never SHUT (shut, shut) them. Close ties with your friends, don’t CUT (cut, cut) them. EAT (ate, eaten) all that is good for you, but don’t BITE (bit, bitten) off more than you can chew. The wicked BEND (bent, bent) the truth to suit their needs. They’ll BLEED (bled, bled) you just to feed their greed. You’ve got to BLOW (blew, blown) them off at top speed. Don’t SHRINK (shrank, shrunk) in fear. You won’t concede when you… Stick to your ideas. Stick to your plans. Stick to your commitments and decisions at hand. Stick to your beliefs, not to passing trends. Stick to your goals to stick it out to the end.

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